Academic outputs and practice-oriented research reports.
New article!
Bridging institutional theory and social and environmental efforts in management:
A review and research agenda
We synthesized and integrated 720 studies from 1987 to 2023 so you don’t have to! Our framework captures the structure-agency bidirectionality and serves as a tool to guide future research on social and environmental issues in management.
Soon to be available online!
Other recent research outputs
Navigating academia’s stressful waters: Discussing the power of horizontal linkages for early-career researchers.
Losing control: The uncertain management of concealable stigmas when work and social media collide.
When aspirational talk backfires: The role of moral judgements in employees’ hypocrisy interpretation.
Other publications
Salazar-Morales D., Rodriguez P., Lauriano L. (2024), Governing Schools in Times of Pandemic: A Set-Theoretical Analysis of the Role of Policy Capacities in School Closure, Governance, 37(4), pp. 1433-1463.
Lauriano L., (2020), Book Review: Labor Standards in International Supply Chains: Aligning Rights and Incentives, by Daniel Berliner, Anne Regan Greenleaf, Milli Lake, Margaret Levi, and Jennifer Noveck, ILR Review, 73(4), pp. 1024-1025.
Lauriano L., Spitzeck H., Bueno J. H. D., (2014), The State of Corporate Citizenship in Brazil, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 14(5), pp. 598-606.
Book chapters
Lauriano L., (2023), The all-over-the-place academic: how to fit in an academic niche but also be free to pursue new and exciting research ideas, in: Alexandra Bristow, Olivier Ratle, Sarah Robinson (Eds.), Doing Academic Careers Differently - Portraits of Academic Life, Routledge, pp. 23-28.
Salazar-Morales D., Lauriano L., (2020), A Typology of the Latin American Civil Servant: Patronage Appointee, Technocrat, Loyalist, or Careerist., in: Helen Sullivan, Helen Dickinson, Hayley Henderson(Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant, 10.1007/978-3-030-03008-7_71-1, Palgrave-Macmillan, chapter 1, pp. 41-62.
Research Reports
Business Models and Labour Standards: Making the Connection - ETI
Reflections on the current sustainability stage of Brazilian corporations - FDC
Innovation, Industrialization and Sustainability: Precon Housing Solution - FDC
Em português:
Como anda o dialogo com stakeholders nas empresas brasileiras - FDC
Sumário Executivo - Estado da Gestão para Sustentabilidade 2014 - FDC
Estado da Gestão para Sustentabilidade nas Empresas Brasileiras-2014 - FDC
Estágio de sustentabilidade das empresas brasileiras 2012 - FDC
Rumo à integração da sustentabilidade no sistema de gestão empresarial - FDC
Os desafios dos stakeholders para as organizações - DOM FDC Magazine.
Integrando a sustentabilidade à gestão corporativa - Uma ferramenta para o desenvolvimento e integração de indicadores - DOM FDC Magazine.
Panorama da gestão para a sustentabilidade nas empresas brasileiras - DOM FDC Magazine
Estagio da sustenabilidade nas empresas brasileiras - DOM FDC Magazine
Conference presentations
Academy of Management (AOM)
Stigmatized Employees’(Dis) Engagement with Organizational Destigmatization Initiatives - 2024.
When the Institutional Theory Lens Meets Sustainability: Bridging the Gaps - 2023.
I’m not racist, they’re just Facebook jokes: how organizations deal with viral racist incidents - 2022.
The stakeholder capitalism: Organizations’ capabilities promoting individuals’ freedom - 2022.
Sustainability, silos and means-ends decoupling - 2021 (AOM Latin America).
Concealable Stigmas When the Online and Offline Worlds Collide - 2020.
European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS)
Visual aesthetics and attentional engagement to environmental crises: A double juxtaposition of near/ far and stunning/horrifying - 2025
Qualitative research on personally relevant grand challenges: A strategy to synergize scholarly impact and practical impact - 2024.
Exploring the relational dynamics of destigmatization in the workplace: Evidence from LGBTQIA+ employees in Brazil - 2023.
I’m not racist, they’re just Facebook jokes: how organizations deal with viral racist incidents - 2022.
The stakeholder capitalism: Organizations’ capabilities promoting individuals’ freedom - 2021.
Hypocrisy as Ideology: the performative (re)construction of a flagship trainee programme - 2020.
Be Gay, But Not That Much: Identity Work; Organisational Expectations; Social Networks and Context Collapse - 2019.
Uncoordinated and Uncontrolled: How Isolated and independent Units Impact CSR - 2018.
Process Organization Studies (PROS)
Avada Kedavra: Death of the Author through social-symbolic work in the Harry Potter fandom. - 2023.
The trickle down and up effect of stigma: How stigmatization processes occur and change across levels - 2023.
I’m not racist, they’re just Facebook jokes: how organizations deal with viral racist incidents - 2022.
The micro-foundations of decoupling in corporate sustainability: the politics of organizational silos - Strategic Management Society Conference 2022.
The state of corporate citizenship in Brazil. Annual Eabis Colloquium 2013.
General academic services
Reviewer at editorial boards:
Business & Society
Ad-hoc reviewer for the following journals:
Academy of Management Review
Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility
Business Ethics Quarterly
Corporate Governance
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Journal of Management Studies
Journal of Personnel Psychology
Organization Studies
Services for the Academy of Management Social Issues in Management Division:
Elected representative-at-large (2024-2026)
Social media profiles (2022, 2023)
Head of Committee for Best Student Paper (2022, 2023, 2024)
Head of Research Development Workshop (2023, 2024, 2025)